Spring Break

Springtime, Kefalonia
Busy as a bee and taking a small break from blogging duty to get a bit organized.
Will be back in a few days.
Enjoy the season!

Never on Sunday!

Argostoli Bay, Kefalonia
Argostoli Bay, Kefalonia
It seems almost obscene to worry or have the slightest concern on a day like this.

More than just a Sunday, this was the first real day of Spring.
Everything just came together after months of longing: the sun, the sky, the breeze, the sea, the landscape in full blossom, the inevitable coming out to play.

Avythos Beach, Kefalonia
Welcoming Spring by the sea at Avythos
 I must admit that I was caught by surprise; I've grown accustomed, over the last few months, to sharing these favorite places with only a fisherman, a jogger or two, and, maybe, a few cats.

The sun kissed day seemed to have enticed so many others to rush to the sea to feel, see, touch, hear, and smell the celebration of life that is Spring.

A picnic basket, a frisbee, a bucket to collect pebbles...
Yes, the earth's axis has finally slipped into its right position. Any problems or worries can certainly be moved back a day, they have no place here.

Never on Sunday, especially when it is like this!

A lazy Sunday at Avythos Beach, Kefalonia
Avythos Beach, Kefalonia

Springtime Blue

Lourdas Bay, Kefalonia
Lourdas Bay, Kefalonia

Regaining  its rightful place in the field of vision, at last!
The most soothing color, in such generous supply.
It will, of course, have to compete with yellow, and pink, and indigo over the next couple of months.
But I have it on good authority that it will outlast them all...
Sissia Monastery, Kefalonia
Sissia Monastery, Kefalonia

Color My World in Tones of Revival

Spring flowers, Kefalonia
Klismata, Kefalonia
Color is peculiar.
Endless lines and pages are dedicated to the effect of color on everything, from mood to productivity. Each color has a personality of sorts and widely accepted associations in literature, science, aesthetics, the life cycle, and cultural perceptions.

So many associations, in fact, that they are often contradictory. Take yellow, for example. It is associated with aging, frailty, and cowardice—but also with activity, excitement and freshness.

In nature, however, it means one thing: R-E-V-I-V-A-L!
Spring flowers, Kefalonia
Citrus orchard, set against a background of snow-capped Mt. Aenos
Yes, the unmistakable arrival of Spring is reconfirmed by the sudden presence of yellow in strips, patches, swirls and bunches. Their density and variety will, of course, improve over the next few weeks but the first impression is unsurpassed. (It even makes me forget about that patch of  "vile white stuff" still visible in the background).
Spring flowers, Kefalonia
Olive grove @Svoronata, Kefalonia
Spring flowers, Kefalonia
Early Spring flowers, Kefalonia